
Wherein I express myriad incredulities

Posts Tagged ‘hyperbole

6 Confessions

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So I was persuaded to do a meme (which I think we all secretly love doing, because who doesn’t love being obscure and vain at the same time??) – here are my six confessions:

  1. I think one of the big reasons I want to go to Russia is because it would make my Where I’ve Been map look AWESOME.
  2. I’m pretty sure that I’m going to need to get another masters at some point – I simultaneously look forward to and dread going back to school.
  3. I am convinced that the cause of my eventual death will be “excessive annoyance.” It is entirely possible that I will one day get so irritated that I just die.
  4. Somehow, as I’ve gotten older, I have managed to become a (mostly) mature functioning adult and yet more hyperbolic at the same time.
  5. My cat has been to more states than some people I know (Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Missouri, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi, Kentucky, Arkansas … and I think that’s it). I’m sorry, Kitty, for dragging you all over the country.
  6. When I was a kid, I had a TON of allergies; then, I grew out of them. I am now gradually getting them all back, including a spontaneous new allergy to Neosporin that happened last year. My body is trying to take me down from the inside.

Written by fudgebudget

February 22, 2011 at 10:46 pm

Posted in General

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